Getting back control : WorkEdge launch

Are you a WorkEdge customer ?

Nexedi and Netframe have launched their joint venture “WorkEdge” at the Digital Workplace exhibition in Paris. WorkEdge is a company dedicated to the needs of edge to which we will gradually respond with different products. If you are in the following cases, contact us quickly:

  • I would like to have control of the hardware and software by a local team that develops and industrialises itself, and relies when useful and strategic on European open source projects, while preserving an autonomous control capacity.
  • I want transparency in management, choice, software, hardware and processes from a service provider who acts as a trusted third party technical service provider. I am then responsible for choosing the additional elements necessary for my specific use.
  • I have uses in a specific context: deployments in mobile situations (rolling, flying, floating), specific connectivity context (coupling with private 5g, deployment autonomy, latency reduction, use on isolated sites, construction sites, etc.)
  • I am a small company that wants a turnkey solution, controlled, and independent of gafam.
  • I am looking to start at the edge of my IT department to gradually regain control over all or part of my infrastructure. I’m looking to try out concrete tools to understand the implications.
  • I have personal or professional secrets. I am a professional in secrecy and the control of secrets.
  • I have legal compliance issues that concern me personally and I want to protect myself.
  • I sell cybersecurity or crisis management solutions and I am looking for solutions to advise and resell to prevent or manage crises.
  • I currently sell IS management solutions like you (VM or other), but I’m looking for an entry-level solution to democratise IT management.
  • I sell Digital Workplace, collaborative intranet, EDM (open source or proprietary) but I would like to be able to offer a truly sovereign and controlled complement if I am asked to do so without going to a player who will compete with me.
  • I am a government looking for a “neutral” equipment supplier with open software solutions, acting as a trusted third party not affiliated with a telecommunications company, semi-drivers or a government.